About Us
HalcyonOne has been operating since 2005. Members of our team have been developing business software for literally decades. This means we are able to bring to your projects the benefits of real-world experience and knowledge built up from working with dozens of different businesses, operating in a wide range of vertical markets.We have a strong business-centric approach to the use of technology along with a deep technical understanding of a wide spectrum of IT. This, combined with strong business awareness puts us in an ideal position to be able to help you make the right decisions when it comes to developing or enhancing the software used within your business.Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and resources required to successfully augment your business with the appropriate application software. We will work hand-in-hand, both face-to-face and virtually to ensure that your requirements are clearly understood and defined. We will then develop the software (see Our Work approach) and then carefully manage, in partnership with your staff, the deployment and on-going maintenance of the application.

Our Work
We take a pragmatic approach to application software development. We understand that, for many, defining precisely, in detail, what is required upfront is not a realistic approach. Therefore, we adopt a development process which allows the precise nature of the final application to be fine-tuned as development activities proceed.Obviously, at the start of the process a lot of what is eventually required is known and understood. However, as with a lot of things, the difficulty lies in the detail. It is this latter challenge that we aim to ease with our phased, regularly reviewed development process. This process allows you to have great visibility of how development is progressing and to accurately guage what the final deliverable will be like both in terms of visual appearance and functionality.A lot of the initial requirements and design discussions along with the regular development progress meetings can be done virtually, but, if required, we are very happy to meet up face-to-face. In fact, in some cases, this is our preferred approach as we find it allows a much more rapid and free-flowing discussion process to occur.

We develop software for pretty much any type of platform, using a wide range of software development tools and database technologies.Whether it be for desktop, web or mobile - Microsoft, Apple or Google - we have all of the bases covered.We are confident of having the skills and tools that will allow us to cover all of your inhouse infrastructure and deployment requirements.
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